We offer holistic services focused on promoting overall well-being and independent living skills to young adults. From alternative therapies, wellness consultations to personal assistants (PAs), our team is committed to providing personalized and comprehensive care.

Community Day Support
The PA’s are able to offer a wide range of support to people. Whether you want support to find a job, or to source some training for future employment, engage in therapeutic or social activities or to take part in your local community we can help. You can choose from a wide range of from activities in community based centres, dance the night away at a night club, or get up at 6am to go the gym.
We can provide support with all aspects of personal care and hygiene, assistance with eating and drinking, managing personal and other daily routines, household management, independent living skills, involvement with family, relatives and other organisations, managing emotions and communication needs, support to access the community and to identify and participate in social activities and support to access lifelong learning or work. We are able to provide outreach support for young people (16 to 18 years old) and adults.

Autism and Aspergers
At Kimstates we are able to provide dedicated PA’s for people on the autistic spectrum. PA’s will ensure the support provided recognises their individual support needs and in accordance to agreed support plans to provide a structured routine. A consistent and planned approach allows people to receive support that they can understand, trust and identify with.
The specialist training our staff receive, together with their comprehensive experience, means that they understand the autistic spectrum and the associated triad of impairments, learning disability and how these may impact on someone’s communication, social interaction and behaviour. We have supported many people to achieve greater independence and we are committed to ensuring people receive the support they need to continue to enjoy more independence in their life.

Personalised Service
Personalised services allow the person receiving services to be in control of their package from planning and developing to implementation and monitoring. Every support plan is unique – a true reflection of an individual’s needs, wishes, hopes and aspirations for their life. We can tailor a package to work with you and for you – whatever and how ever that may be. Some of the key areas we encourage people to think about are:
What do I need support with?
How much support do I need in order to achieve my goals?
Who do I want to support me, and how?
Where do I want to live, and in what style of accommodation?
Who would I like to live with, or would I rather be alone?
How do I want to spend my time?
Who forms part of my circle of support?
How will my Care Manager and other professionals work with me?
What is the budget for my service – have I got an individual Budget or Direct Payments?
The answers to these questions will form the basis of the service we provide for an individual. By involving the service user in all aspects from viewing a property and staff recruitment to regular service reviews and reassessment of the package, we can be confident of delivering a flexible and dynamic service focussed on the people receiving services and their desired outcomes.

Supported Living
Supported living gives people the opportunity to live independently in their own home. We empower and support people to make their own choices and lead fulfilling lives that they are in control of. Just my PA will offer support to people to find their own home. We have working partnerships with Housing Associations, Local Authorities and private landlords. You can decide if you want to live with other people and who you want to live with. You determine who you want to support you, and how and when that support will take place. We work closely with the people we support, those within their network of support and with our colleagues in health and social care services.
All registered Pa’s will have specialist training to ensure they can meet the wide range of people’s individual support needs.
Give us a shout!
If we can help answer any questions on nature of our services, suitability of purpose, pricing or other let us know below